While out celebrating with friends, I witnessed another fact I’d like to share regarding self awareness. Aging hopefully allows us to become comfortable and celebratory of ourselves, regardless of whose watching. We spend so much time in Western society focusing on lack and what is not yet achieved, obtained, or possessed. I noticed last night the diverseness of our group but also the peace and comfort each person modeled in their body language. We are all at different and similar places in our lives but it didn’t appear to cause unease or disconnection between us. Now, of course, I was with friends, but I remember a long time ago, lol, when even with friends; mostly with friends, the younger me was often so self conscious, I missed out on a lot of the action, simply trying to be at peace in the skin I’m in.n
Many times we focus so much on how we are perceived by others, rather than being in the moment and allowing ourselves to simply just be. My clients, whom struggle with anxiety and low self esteem, experience this reality daily. Now, here is an excellent teaching moment. Learning to love yourself is an abstract concept. So let’s make it tangible and simple. n
If you’d like to know how to begin to love yourself…. try these things.
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- The person you’re the most fond of, observe how you treat them.
- Take the same interest in yourself that you take with them (…ie, providing time spent with them).
- Tell yourself the same things you tell them (..ie, I like you, I love you, You’re important to me).
- Make your needs and wants a priority to you.
- Value and celebrate the smallest to the greatest parts of you (…ie, things you do well).
- Set goals to continually connect with yourself (…ie, physical health, mental wellness, and ways to reward yourself).
These are a few but effective ways to begin to see yourself as the apple of your own eye. Loving yourself is the next step towards loving life and others completely. Remember, what you ALLOW is what will CONTINUE!!! Stay tuned for my last blog on becoming more self aware at drtorre.org.!! Be blessed and #BEBRILLIANTLYU!!!n
Peace and Love,nDr. Torre