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About Me

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Meet Dr. Torre

Behavioral Therapist/Coach

 Hello, I look forward to learning and working with you! I am a native of Atlanta Ga and have been in the field of psychology for 20 years, as a therapist/life coach/speaker for individuals, groups, couples, and executive communications. My focus for my clients is to meet them where they are and guide them into the transformation of their needs. This transformation happens using CBT/ACT Therapies and Mindfulness techniques.

 My clients range from individual and couples struggling with clinical and daily problems as well as groups in corporate settings. My passion and pleasure have been working in mental and public health consulting, educating others regarding professional development, interpersonal relationship development, women’s empowerment, and sexual health.


Over the past 15 years I have served on various programs to address mental health research and advocacy; serving as a public health facilitator for various grants working with: Emory University, University of Chicago, and University of Rhode Island. I am a published author and creator of Mindfully Me, therapy cards to address clinical and relational concerns.

Educating You to Trust, Try, and Transform!

I believe anyone can achieve anything once they are equipped with the right tools to assist their dreams!

-Dr. Torre Prothro-Wiley PhD


Serving in mental health for over 15 years has provided the opportunity to collaborate and create with experts from diverse industries. My recent journey has included:

Sibyl S. Slade CRPC

Money Circles Workshop

Morehouse College

Money Circles Workshop

Mogulcon 2022

Speaker for Mental Health/Self Care

University of Texas Austin Campus

Money Circles Workshop

Emory University

STD/ Sexual Health Grant

N.E.W. Body By Ouida Brown Lyons

Wellness Retreats Coming Soon!!!

Creator of Mindfully Me

An interactive card game to assist individuals with mental health information and resources.

Unlock Your Dreams

Unlocking your dream begins with embracing your passions, envisioning your desired future, and taking courageous steps towards turning it into a reality. By daring to pursue your dreams and overcoming obstacles along the way, you can unlock a life filled with purpose, fulfillment, and limitless possibilities.

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