Year after year, I work with clients dealing with depression for the very first time. Due to the powerfully negative messages regarding mental health it’s no surprise that depression is still a mystery for most. There are many people who are in the dark about the symptoms and or causes of this disorder. This post will identify signs and symptoms as well as offerinformation pertaining to money and its correlations to depression.
Have you ever experienced depression? Well if you’re living and breathing in this day and age, it’s probable you too may one day have depression. According to the American Journal of Psychiatry 10 percent of American adults have a mental illness in any given year. Out of that 10 percent a million have a depressive disorder. Each year in the US we lose $193.2 billion in lost earnings due to sick days, medical leave, and short- term disability. I have worked with countless individuals whom suffer with some form of a depressive disorder. These clients usually are taking time off from work, from six months to sometimes two years at a time.
Signs and Symptoms
There are many signs/symptoms to inform someone of depression. A person may not experience all of these however, the intensity, longevity, and manner in which they appear may vary from person to person too.
Quickly, let’s look at these and how you might feel:
Sadness, empty, or anxious. These feelings may be consistent or even intensify over time without getting better or going away.
Worthless, or guilty. Your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors may be mostly negative and focus mainly onyourself or your life, or the various failures you’ve experienced.
Hopeless. Your overall mood may be pessimistic and you may even consider suicide.
Irritable. You may awaken to feelings of anger and rage without reason to.
Loss of energy. You may think and process more slowly and feel physically and emotionally drained. Regular tasks may feel impossible to manage.
Trouble concentrating. Simple things become difficult like bathing, watching TV, or simply having a conversation. Your memory may also be foggy and difficult to recall.
Changes in sleep. You may wake up too early or have trouble falling asleep.
If you or someone you know has been experiencing these feelings please seek medical/behavioral assistance. Please also take into consideration some forms of depression may need medication as part of treatment.
Money and Depression
Being broke, in debt, and unemployed can trigger depression, but depression can lead to financial problems as well. Maintaining a job while living with depression can be very difficult for some people. There are programs and opportunities for those having hardships with emotional disabilities. The faster you act and find alternatives to your employment and finances the faster depression can be possiblyregulated. Depression is very common among those whom are unemployed. If you have had a depressive disorder seek assistance from a therapist or social worker to help you find a pre-employment or employment programs suitable for people who have challenges due to disabilities such as depression.
If you are on Medicaid there is a program called WEP that can help you become job-ready by doing an internship at city or state agencies. This could also lead to a part/fulltime job. You can also consider applying for SSI (Social Security Income) or SSD (Social Security Disability) once a depressive disorder is diagnosed. This can be a long process, however once approved it can lead to less stress, better mental health, and assistance with financial concerns.
Our country is trying to change the face of mental health, however we have still a long way to go. Before your world spirals out of control please seek help if you are experiencing depressive type symptoms. If you do find you have a mood disorder or symptoms, get ahead of the game and check out alternative ways to save your health, finances, and relationships.
The objective here is be accountable for yourdepression and the treatment it may involve such as: first getting medical/behavioral assistance, taking your medication as directed, attending therapy as recommended and following your doctors/therapist’s recommendations. The perfect end to this emotional setback is to re-engage with your family, community and workplace as a more self- aware and healthy individual. Hope this was helpful insight and information. Until next time!
Peace and Love,
Dr. Torre